Partially looking forward to the water dragon coming full form to take Tae hyuk back and wreck havoc on this crazy prince, partially nervous what doing this means in regard to the gem he is making. is Tae hyuk going to die?
Trying to link this back to the future shown in S1 is hard or maybe my memory is just bad….
unfortunately for them, they just threw THE WATER DRAGON into a river to drown him.. yeah good idea smh have fun when he comes back in dragon form to kill you all!
Partially looking forward to the water dragon coming full form to take Tae hyuk back and wreck havoc on this crazy prince, partially nervous what doing this means in regard to the gem he is making. is Tae hyuk going to die?
Trying to link this back to the future shown in S1 is hard or maybe my memory is just bad….
unfortunately for them, they just threw THE WATER DRAGON into a river to drown him.. yeah good idea smh have fun when he comes back in dragon form to kill you all!
It’s crazy cause I don’t think he would come cause do you remember where they met after? Time has changed
This guy is dangerous